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After Hours Verifications



The button below will take you to our after hours patient portal for Verification of Benefits. Please have the following information ready to run these:


-Your practice's NPI Number.

-The patients full detailed information: Name, Date of Birth, Insurance ID, and phone number.



After completing the verification, please print and email the Success page and an EIV will be provided to you within 48 Hours. 



*If you are in need of assistance or have issues with the portal contact: __________________. An additional fee will be incurred, 



Gather all necessary information from the patient, be sure to take copies of ID's and insurance cards in case the Verification needs to be run again.  


Open the web portal and input all necessary information from the gathering phase, including some information from your practice. 


Print your patient confirmation and send it to


Within 48 hours you will receive an EIV for the patient's stay.

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